Sunday, 12 April 2015

Future of Mobile Computing in 2025

When we think about technology, there comes a view of advanced mobile devices and its applications that gives us updates to our new world in our pocket. We feel closer to everyone through this advanced feature of technology. However, technology of mobile computing is far away from our thinking or can say more than our thinking’s. Have a look at how much it’s going to be changed in the future around 2025. 


Mobile computing is an interaction by which transmission of data can be done without having connected to a fixed physical link via computer. Mobile computing involves mobile communication, mobile hardware and mobile software. Further these properties involves ad hoc and infrastructure, protocols and data formats (communication properties), mobile components or devices (mobile hardware), mobile applications characteristics or requirements (mobile software). (Iqbal, n.d.)

Mobile communication is one of the famous and widely used technology in present face as it allows customers to transfer data from one remote location to other throughout the world, solving the problem of business field (mobility). 

There are various types of mobile devices used for communication, some of which are                                                                                      Ø  Portable computers (Notebooks, Notepads, Laptops)                      Ø  Mobile phones (Cell phones, Smart phones, Phone pads)              Ø  Smart cards                                                                                          Ø  Wearable computers (Software agents- Watches, Wristbands)        Ø  Robots                                                                                                Ø  Carputers


The research of mobile computing starts around 1990's. At First, the concept of two way radios had been used with large antennas for communication and there is no access to hotspot static network. To access wireless networks, they came up with the idea of portable devices which becomes a powerful tool in the wireless industry for both personal and business use. The use of portable devices changed the computing world from hundred years back when huge machines were used capable of just word processing to a new advanced computing world.

Nowadays, laptops and PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) have inbuilt wireless connectivity features that can connect people to a new world. Mobile Computing is “taking a computer and all necessary files and software to the next level”. They have interactive user interface and easy to carry in the pockets. We have everything what we need on our fingertips. (Mobile Computing, 2012)


As the advancement of technology is taking place day-by-day, its advantages and disadvantages also going to increase in number.

Some of the advantages of mobile computing are as below:

Ø  More speed and access to information or location flexibilty: With the ability of wireless connectivity, our handheld mobile devices can have access to internet at anytime and anywhere with a touch of finger.

Ø Saves time: One can save time of travelling to have access to important documents by accessing on laptops or mobiles at anytime , anywhere. (Mobile computing major advantages, 2014)

Ø  Entertainment: High speed data connections makes it comfortable to access videos and audios whether it is educational or enjoyment. One can be able to watch movies, news or documentaries over the internet at anytime. (Mobile computing major advantages, 2014)

Ø  Ease of Research: Search option in the mobiles offers customers to search and collect data easily and fast with the touch of fingertips without making trip to libraries or offices to get files or books for data.

Ø  Increased productivity and reduced costs: Mobile computing helps to increase individuals productivity, increased sales per sales person, more service calls per repair persons and much more, directly translates higher sales with lower cost. (New image software-Inc, n.d.)

There are also many disadvantages of mobile computing, some of which are:

Ø Virtual World: Mobile computing devices lets user to connect to the virtual world from anywhere but they forgot their traditional values or ways of communicating with others. This is decreasing human interactions with each other and locked people in the confinement of their mobile devices. (Mobile computing guide, 2014)

Ø Health Concerns: With the increase of the use of mobile computing, people are more prone to health concerns as the excessive use of mobile effects human beings through radiations emitted from mobiles. (Chapungu, 2013)

Ø Security Concerns: Mobile VPN’s are unsafe to connect to, and also syncing devices might also lead to security concerns. (Mobile computing, 2012)

Ø Power Consumption: Due to requirement of batteries in mobile devices, they do not tend to last long and may create situations of shutting down when needed. (Mobile computing, 2012)

Have a look below on some more limitations of mobile computing:

·   Range & Bandwidth (Range of data flow depends on the data plans and service providers that we are using)
·   Security Standards (depends on Connectivity whether public or private) (Pullela, n.d.)
·    Power Consumption (Require battery power for mobile devices)
·    Potential Health Hazards (Use of mobile devices on unsafe places or situations can have serious health hazards)( (Reardon, 2010)
·    Size of device (Different sizes of mobile devices sometimes make it hard to use)
·   Signal Transmission (Some conditions can effect the strength of signal transmission like weather, terrain, range of signal point etc)


As the advancement in technology changed the view of mobile computing, mobile devices are used in different aspects and purposes. Increase in the bandwidth and range of wireless connections also increases the use of internet on mobile devices at any time from anywhere in the world. It makes our world much smaller and closer as we can remain in contact with each other.

Use of Apple has brought a number of trends into focus as technology platform is not due on IPhone or IPad sales, it reflects the revolution in global economy, culture and interaction with human race. (Bill Hewitt, 2012)

Now a days, the hand phone is not only used for voice communication but also used to send text and multimedia messages. Road warriors use mobile devices to access up-to-date information from the corporate database. Police department use these at a crime scene may send a fingerprint for matching with data in a central database by using a wireless network, hence leading to faster identification and solving cases as fast as it can be, so that police can arrest potential suspects. The global positioning system (GPS) is used for search and rescue missions, for weather information, for monitoring and preservation of wildlife and many more. (Othman, 2007)

     People are using laptops and smartphones for their daily purposes as it makes them easy and fast to search or find something at anytime, anywhere. With the introduction of digitalization, they can carry mobiles and laptops instead of bunch of books to read in spare time. Bluetooth and headphones are also very useful products with mobiles as we can use these during driving vehicles.



According to researchers and inventors, we will see a tremendous change in the technology of mobile computing in next 10 to 15 years. Many proposals have been done about the new upcoming devices as:

Smart wearable glasses

Coming with more integrated technology in next years

(Thrystan, 2012)

Designer Elodie Delassus, new HOLO computer concept to make it easy to carry and as small as a bracelet, can wear or put in a pocket. (Future Technology, 2010)

Designer Hiromi Kiriki, new concept of combining  two emergent technologies as a shiny, flexible, great-looking wristband computer. (Toggle, 2011)


Thalmic Labs, Wristband will be a new concept as a gesture controlled armband which can read muscle impulses and recognize common arm and hand gestures which can, via Bluetooth, connect user devices and use gestures to interact with the computing device. (Trendsdigest, 2013)


There are some statistics about the use of popular mobile devices, search engines, monthly usage of apps and mobile phones and time spent on mobile devices with different ratios shown below:

(Bosomworth, 2015)


An imagination stated by Avery Holton, an assistant professor and researcher at university of Utah, that we have a watch that can calculate our location, tell how much we have run, at what pace, how many calories we have burned etc. we also have an integrated part of those watches with text and phone capabilities. But think about if we add in tailored information and wearable devices that can sense harm such as threatening weather, criminals in our area or even health issues. That’s the future of mobile computing in 2025 when a world of technologies impacts our life and enhance more security and privacy. (Halton, 2014)

Mike Liebhold, senior researcher and distinguished fellow at the Institute for the Future, expressed it as the age of the global supercomputer and commented that, “The Internet will be entering from the stage of global library into the global supercomputer. By 2025, almost every application or service we can imagine will be enhanced by the application of enormous computation enabling widespread applications of capabilities like mining, recognition, sense-making, rendering modeling as well as proactive contextual computing.” (Liebhold, 2014)

A report titled “Digital Life in 2025,” is a compilation of imaginings by nearly 1,500 experts who responded to an online survey by the Pew Research Center in association with Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center. The experts were asked an open-ended question about how technology will impact life by the year 2025. (Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, 2014) Most say by the year 2025 there will be:

Ø A global, immersive, invisible, ambient networked computing environment.

Ø  A continued proliferation of smart sensors, cameras, software, databases and massive data centers in a world-spanning information fabric known as the Internet of Things.

Ø  Portable/wearable/implantable technologies that will allow people to “augment reality”.

Ø  Disruption of business models established in the 20th century, most notably impacting finance, entertainment, publishers of all sorts and education.

Ø  Tagging, data basing and intelligent analytical mapping of the physical and social realms.

There are some predictions about change in technology in 2025 as below:

ØCommit to an open, free Internet where privacy is protected. Governments should promote widespread adoption of online services by providing incentives, fostering user confidence, and developing consistent and clear guidelines for online service providers, including in the areas of privacy and security. (Nicholas, 2014)

Ø  Support the education of a modern workforce. If governments are to maintain and strengthen their ability to compete globally, they must adapt and improve their education systems to prepare students for the global economy by raising educational and teaching standards, rewarding effective educators, and providing teachers with the technology, support, and tools they need. Governments should also promote interest and training in STEM skills, which are needed for a broad array of readily available and high-paying jobs. (Nicholas, Today's Decisions, Tomorrow's Terrain, 2014)

Ø Information sharing over the Internet will be so effortlessly interwoven into daily life that it will become invisible, flowing like electricity, often through machine intermediaries. (Lee Rainie, 2014)

Ø  The spread of the “Ubernet” will diminish the meaning of borders, and new “nations” of those with shared interests may emerge online and exist beyond the capacity of current nation-states to control.

Ø  The Internet will become “the Internets” as access, systems and principles are renegotiated. (Lee Rainie, Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, 2014)


There is no actual ratio about “how many users will be joined to the technology of mobile computing” but there is a prediction that states a clear view of an increase in the number of users to double of the current percentage in 2025. Every aged group of people are using technology in their daily lives as everyone is getting more knowledge about the new technologies, even old age people are also learning to use these technologies and adopting everything like adults and children.

Have a look at the prediction of change in the number of users around 2025:

(Cyberspace, 2014)


Bill Hewitt, P. a. (2012, January 24). Mobile Computing Value Of Time. Retrieved from tdwi:
Bosomworth, D. (2015, January 15). Mobile Marketing Statics 2015. Retrieved from smartinsights:
Chapungu, G. (2013, August 1). Limitations of mobile computing. Retrieved from wellsdigest:
Cyberspace. (2014). Retrieved from microsoft:
Future Technology. (2010, March 30). Retrieved from itechfuture:
Halton, A. (2014, January). 2025 And The Internet Of Things. Retrieved from
Iqbal, V. K. (n.d.). Mobile Computing: Past, Present and Future. Retrieved from
Lee Rainie, J. A. (2014, January). Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. Retrieved from pewinternet:
Lee Rainie, J. A. (2014, January). Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. Retrieved from pewinternet:
Liebhold, M. (2014, January). Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. Retrieved from pewinternet:
Mobile computing. (2012). Retrieved from mobilecomputingproject.wordpress:
Mobile computing. (2012). Retrieved from mobilecomputingproject.wordpress:
Mobile Computing. (2012, October 10). Retrieved from Mobilecomputingproject.wordpress:
Mobile computing guide. (2014). Retrieved from
Mobile computing major advantages. (2014). Retrieved from tutorialspoint:
Mobile computing major advantages. (2014). Retrieved from tutorialspoint:
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Nicholas, P. (2014). Today's Decisions, Tomorrow's Terrain. Retrieved from microsoft:
Nicholas, P. (2014). Today's Decisions, Tomorrow's Terrain. Retrieved from microsoft:
Othman, M. (2007, November 30). IT Today. Retrieved from
Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. (2014). Retrieved from pewinternet:
Pullela, S. (n.d.). Security Issues in Mobile Computing. Retrieved from
Reardon, M. (2010, January 29). Study: Distractions, not phones, cause car crashes. Retrieved from cnet:
Thrystan. (2012, April 6). Concept Phones. Retrieved from concept-phones:
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Trendsdigest. (2013, September 14). Trends Digest. Retrieved from trendsdigest:

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